Que Sera by Maryann Sanfilipp! On a short road trip I took this summer I discovered the Que Sera Crystal. It intrigued me as I thought of the old Doris Day song I remember from the 1950’s---Que Sera Sera which is Italian for whatever will be will be! It is a song of acceptance and surrender, asking one to surrender and trust that whatever happens will be for the best. This stone which is also known as LLianite and was formed approximately one billion years ago. It can be found in Llano, Texas and Bahia, Brazil. It blends energies of several minerals to promote tenderness and inner peace. It is a great stone for centering and calming the mind and is said to support the throat and heart chakras. It can help with communication and self-expression as well as love, compassion and emotional balance. Que-Sera Stone embodies the rich, brown rays of the natural earth. It is the color influence of home, hearth, and nature, of comfort and connection. It lets you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding stone. It is a perfect crystal for the month of September as we transition from summer to fall.