Three Questions...
I recently shared with my restorative class a meditation technique called Naikon, which is Japanese for looking within with the mind's eye. This type of meditation focuses on being able to see the reality of one's life with a broader lens. We think we see our life as it is but we add on opinion, viewpoints, and the like. So, to obtain this truer perspective, one starts by asking, What did I receive today? Every little thing counts! A smile from someone, a purr from a cat, a door held open, soft sheets, etc, etc. Intention does not matter. For example, it does not matter if someone meant to hold the door for you or it happened by chance. Take about five minutes to thoroughly answer this question. After identifying all the gifts we received, let's assume for a moment we are now in debt to the Universe. The second question is, What did I give away today? Did you give a treat to your dog? Did you empty the dishwasher? Think of everything and intention, again, does not matter. No judgement, no ego, and no analytical thinking. Just facts. Remember, if someone smiled at you, and that was a gift received, don't forget to count it as a gift given away each time you smiled upon someone else. After answering this question, has your debt to the Universe been paid? Are you in balance or do some areas need more work? Lastly, ask yourself, What did I do to cause disruption or trouble today? In class, I used the example that I made my dog get off the bed so I could change the sheets. My dad would tell you I have been disruptive to him for the past month:) He turns 80 this month and does not know the birthday plan agenda. But, just to mess with him as any good daughter should do, every day I send him a meme that says "Just keep thinking, just keep thinking." ( I will really need to focus on question two to maintain any semblance of balance this month!) The last question is usually hardest because we typically do not see how we cause stress to others though we find it easy to point out when other people trigger ours. Let me know what you think of this meditation. You can direct the questions broadly to your entire day, focus on a particular relationship, or even an object. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT YOGA OUTING! Sunday March 8th at Healing Arts after Restorative Yoga. Amber will guide us through making drawstring oracle card holder bags (or for other purposes!) Please bring your own fabric and ribbon:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga Class Schedule *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *TUESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) *WEDNESDAY'S: 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative ALL CLASSES at Healing Arts Metaphysical, 4 E Wilson Street, Batavia All levels, $15, Walk-in's welcome ------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED HEALING STONE: Snowflake Obsidian by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire Snowflake Obsidian seems an appropriate stone for March, a month of transition that can see snowflakes at any time! The stone gets its name from the white patches known as phenocrysts that look like snowflakes. Also called flowering obsidian, it is a volcanic glass that is formed when lava cools and a type of quartz is formed in it as the lava hardens. Because of its volcanic origins, it helps draw emotions to the surface allowing the user to see the dark and uncomfortable sides of their nature. Because it is a patterned stone, it helps the wearer see patterns in their thoughts and behaviors. It may help to achieve a good balance in spirit, mind and body. Associated with the Root Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra, it is a stone that helps one recognize the guidance and support that are available through the natural world. It helps in attuning to animal totems and animal allies. It assists in becoming more receptive to healing energy and a healing attitude. It is also connected to guardian spirits and divine guides reminding us to open our Third Eye Chakra to the messages that the universe is sending us. As is the case with many black stones, it is a powerful grounding and protection stone that keeps one growing even when it seems that everything is falling apart. It can be used as a cleanser of negative energies in both the environment and life. It is said to aid in disorders of the veins and skeletal structure. It improves circulation and treats arthritis and hardening of the arteries. Snowflake Obsidian carries courage and persistence to those on the edge of hope, bringing balance and stability during changing times. Like a sky full of beautiful snowflakes, snowflake obsidian restores a deep, abiding sense of protection and reverence. It reminds us that spring is on the way even though there may be plenty of snowflakes in our immediate future! -------------------------------------------------- FEATURED QUOTE: “We can be sure that the greatest hope for maintaining equilibrium in the face of any situation rests within ourselves.” - Francis J. Braceland
March 2024