October challenge...since Halloween is my favorite holiday:) 1. Decorate a pumpkin while somehow adding in a yoga theme 2. Take a picture doing a yoga pose with a Halloween theme 3. Your idea but must combine Halloween and yoga. Post on my website and send me your picture for next month's newsletter. You have all of October to post. Prize for the first to post and prize for most creative (as chosen by yours truly!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday October 11th at CST. Please email me for the link and password. You can also find my meetings on as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. We have some really great conversations! There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. Space is limited to 20. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Yoga Class Schedule ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom until further notice. All are welcome to attend any class for free. Please reach out to me for the link and password. Please note the Vinyasa has moved day and time. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *TUESDAY's: Momentarily paused:) *WEDNESDAY'S: 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: _________________________________________________________________________________________ FEATURED HEALING STONE: Carnelian by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire I cannot believe it is October already! While the trees might not be exhibiting their usual brilliant fall colors, they are changing right now. Carnelian is a beautiful orange stone that can remind us of the autumn splendor we so often see. Historically, Carnelian has been widely used from ancient times. In Ancient Egypt, the dead were adorned with Carnelian necklaces symbolizing the blood of Isis and protection into the afterlife. A chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead was inscribed on a tablet of Carnelian! The Prophet Mohammed supposedly wore a Carnelian ring on the little finger of his right hand. Napoleon I and II wore a seal of Carnelian during their rule. It has also been used by wizards who used its power to trigger other stones. It was considered a status symbol which would offer protection for sickness and help avert calamities. The reason Carnelian has been so widely used is probably the strength and energy this stone possesses. It was believed to give the wearer courage in battle and to help timid speakers become eloquent and bold. It is said to activate the lower three chakras energizing one’s personal will into overdrive. Courage, power and passion are traits that will emerge when working with this stone. Carnelian can help one to “take a leap of faith” and take major action dedicating one to a new path. It can also assist those who procrastinate or are unable to make a decision. It can be used in meditation to help the user understand how to bring a concept to fruition. It is also useful in manifestation work. This crystal helps with physical issues. It stimulates the metabolism and increases motivation. It helps to bring a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues. It is said to benefit absorption of vitamins and nutrients in the small intestine and to improve circulation. It is supposed to reduce congestion, phlebitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids as well. It provides support for breaking bad physical habits, withdrawal from alcohol or drugs and improving overall health. All in all, Carnelian is a good stone for rekindling our commitment to health and energy after the long, hot summer. It can help us get out of the doldrums as we are quickly approaching the Holiday Season.
March 2024