I feel like I have a lot of random things to write about, this month, so I apologize for the lack of cohesion! First, I created a second website to work alongside inspiredbyearth.com. Inspired by Earth will have all detail-oriented stuff, like class dates and times, Death Cafe meetings, etc. The new site, www.sandracoyner.com, is more to go along with my book so there is a blog on the home page so we can continue discussing life lessons as they pop up.
At some point in July, Zoom is going to require either a password or a waiting room on meetings. I cannot have a waiting room for the yoga classes in case someone tries to come in late...I won't be able to stop and let them in. So, when the time comes where you are asked for a password, I decided the password needed to be something with a positive vibration for the Universe so the password is peace. You can share my classes and PW with anyone you like. I am super excited to share that I have been asked to be interviewed on a local podcast to discuss my book, death (Death Cafe meetings and End-of-Life Doula work), and whatever else comes up:) I will send out more information when I have it. Please, please, please...if you haven't already, please take a moment to add a review to my book on Amazon if you have read it AND please subscribe to my YouTube channel. It is interesting how limited you are on both of these if you do not meet certain numbers. I did receive my second batch of books if anyone wants one from me versus ordering on Amazon- just let me know. This is ultra random but you may have noticed I change the background of this newsletter each month to correlate with the season or holidays. I have decided the background is staying green or pink- the colors of the heart chakra- until this world seems to be in a better space. Sending out shanti (peace). Lastly, the blog I have set up on sandracoyner.com is interactive. I am hoping you will comment so we can engage in conversation. I have been avoiding discussing the C.V. words (think) because I do not want to give those words any power in my space. I guess it's kind of like saying Beetlejuice three times! So, I have decided I will refer to C.V. as something else. Check out my blog to find out what and why I chose this name; toss in anything you want to talk about regarding this challenging time. Amazon link to leave review: https://www.amazon.com/Horizon-Here-Finding-Lessons-Everyday/dp/B088BHTTYR/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+horizon+is+here&qid=1590969011&sr=8-1 YouTube link to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday July 13 at 6pm. The Zoom link is on www.inspiredbyearth.com and the password is peace. You can also find my meetings on www.deathcafe.com as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga Class Schedule ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom at the original days/times. The Zoom code to access any of my classes is https://zoom.us/j/8033508899 . The password, if asked, is peace. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *TUESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) *WEDNESDAY'S: 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative The classes are currently free and all are welcome to join. If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED HEALING STONE: Amazonite by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire Once again, we are facing a month of some uncertainty. With this in mind, I have chosen to write about a crystal of hope, Amazonite. This green or blue-green stone derives its name from the Amazon River in Brazil where there are many deposits. Jewelry utilizing this stone was produced as long as four thousand years age in India, Sudan, Mesopotamia and Egypt. One chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is said to have been written on Amazonite. An Amazonite scarab ring was found among Tutankhamen’s treasures. It was used in Central and South America and is said to have been worn by the women warriors who also bear the Amazon name. Amazonite is deeply stimulating to both the heart and the throat chakras. Allowing one to express one’s heart through communication, it opens the throat chakra to help those who tend to repress their own thoughts and feelings due to fear of confrontation or conflict. This stone is excellent for those in positions of conflict resolution or those who need to communicate effectively. This stone is one of hope and harmony both within one’s self and among people as it can work as a truth-teller and a peacemaker. It gently soothes the nerves and radiates rejuvenating vibrations that calm the heart. Any environment in which Amazonite is placed will calm the energy and fill the space with positive vibes. Because of this, it has been called the “peacemaker stone.” Like the Amazon River, it provides flowing energies encouraging adventure, love, inspiration and free speech. Amazonite is known for maintaining good health in general. It aids in cell regeneration and healing after illnesses, trauma or injury, and relieves muscle spasms. It may be used in treating disorders of the nervous system and blockages in the flow of neural impulses, as well as issues with the throat and thyroid gland. The word, Amazon, has come to invoke many different images---that of the lush foliage of the Amazon Rainforest, the Warrior Amazon women of myth and legend and Amazon.com on which we have come to rely more than ever! This might just be the stone of hope and harmony that we need right now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Featured Quote: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” --Jimi Hendrix
March 2024