![]() ======*BRILLIANT CHRISTMAS IDEA!! (If I do say so myself !!) The Horizon is Here: Finding Life's Lessons in Everyday Living --Get it on Amazon (paperback or Kindle) This book is for anyone questioning life, seeking lessons, trying to understand current struggles. looking for answers...it's for ALL OF US!!! You can order directly from Amazon or the link on www.inspiredbyearth.com OR you can purchase directly from me for a signed copy:) Other Benefits: Stocking Sized! You'll be shopping locally! Eternal gratitude from me:) ====================================================================== A snowflake never falls in the wrong place... December holidays are coming quickly upon us and, while they can bring a lot of happiness, they can also nurture other feelings like sadness, loneliness, and melancholy. I like the Zen proverb that a snowflake never falls in the wrong place because it is a reminder that there is a reason for everything. Even temporary sadness has within it a reason for harboring your attention. It is our responsibility to ourselves to discover what that reason may be. Is it to rediscover our strengths, remind us of good memories, or inspire us to see what lays beyond this temporary emotion? The proverb seems to offer me comfort. Perhaps comfort in knowing that somehow everything will work itself out. That life may not be so elusive and that it is my role to discover all of these happenings. Like the snowflake. The one that lands on my eyelash and causes me to flutter. Or the one that slides down the back of my shirt eliciting a shiver. What would be the lesson in that, you question? Maybe the answer is as simple as being brought back to the present where change is able to create a new path and hope steers our direction. ======================================================================= I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday December 14 at 6pm CST. Please email me for the link and password. You can also find my meetings on www.deathcafe.com as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. We have some really great conversations! There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. Space is limited to 20. ======================================================================= Yoga Class Schedule ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom until further notice. All are welcome to attend any class for free. Please reach out to me for the link and password. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *WEDNESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) & 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ====================================================================== FEATURED HEALING STONE: Crystals for Peace by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire The holiday season is usually accompanied by a certain amount of stress. This year is no exception with some additional stress piled on. People all over are worried about jobs, money, their children and many other things that are out of one’s control. Finding inner peace can be challenging in our fast-paced world. There are healing crystals and stones that can help us find the peace of mind for which we are so desperately searching. You may have seen some of these in previous columns and they bear repeating in this context. Many, but not all, of these are water element stones. These stones are helpful in maintaining a healthy emotional balance and can assist in alleviating depression and fear. Larimar is a calming, cooling stone that is soothing to the emotional body. It is a stone of serenity that promotes relaxation. Its frequencies help relieve stress and its physical effects. Wearing this stone can make the wearer feel surrounded by an oasis of calm. Blue Calcite is a gentle stone that will help quiet the chatter in one’s mind and lift thoughts to a higher vibration. It is very helpful for those who suffer from anxiety. It can be used like a worry stone to help bring peace and relaxation. Blue Lace Agate instills peace of mind by harnessing the energies of the throat chakra to create a deep sense of contentedness and helps to restore balance in the mind. Aquamarine is a stone of release. It helps one to let go of attachments to old patterns and relationships. Holding a piece of aquamarine in each hand is said to create a wave of energy that can wash away fear and worry. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes instability and stress promoting calmness. Its energy is balancing and healing assisting in the mastery of emotions. Sodalite is often referred to as the stone of peace. It can help one to calm the mind, ease panic attacks and to prevent one from becoming over emotional. It encourages rational thought and productivity. Since December heralds in the season of peace on earth and goodwill towards men, we may want to turn to our crystals for assistance in reaching these goals in our own hearts. Even though this will be a very different holiday season, I hope you are able to find peace and some joy throughout the month and into the coming year. Copyright 2011- November 2020 Want to change how you receive these emails? 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March 2024