Sadhguru is a mystic, philanthropist, author and yogi, just to offer you a few of his labels. He recently posted an article on FB called Obliterating Boundaries. In all honesty, I just liked the inference behind the title. Obliterating a boundary would equate to freedom, expansion, mobility of body and mind. To obliterate means to destroy, demolish, wipe out. A boundary is a border or an edge that is limiting; something that holds us back or confined within. So to wipe out the edge that holds us back would enable us to move forward. What if we can't see the boundary? What if it isn't visible or tangible? What if we created it and built it within our minds? And, unconsciously allowed it to encase our thoughts? Our thoughts are merely unspoken words so what happens next when we open our mouths to speak? What comes out?
Sadhguru writes, "If you create a boundary, one thing is you have to define it, next thing is you have to defend it – if the boundary becomes large you have to build an army." An army??? This sounds like a lot of energy! Let's imagine I put up an invisible wall that keeps everyone at bay that ever hurt me. Let's say the wall works extremely well for awhile; those people inadvertantly feel my energy shift, perhaps they feel less welcome and they react by maintaining their distance. Then, one day, one of those people who cannot see the wall and doesn't know it has been defined to keep out those who have hurt me, tries to reach out, re-enter. My defenses go up like swords in the hands of a knoight and my fight or flight response begins screaming defend! And there it goes- my energy, my time, my balance knocked flatter than a jouster struck down. With all of my energy focusing on my barrier, that I created, I no longer notice the seagulls sqwaking over by Old Navy, I miss out on the gradual changing of leaf colors, I miss out on... Physical boundaries are everywhere. States are divided by signs saying hello and goodbye, countries are separated by many things from mere paths to man built walls. Neighbors declare their boundaries with fences and some will raise their defenses when that border is crossed. But what about emotional boundaries...based out of fear, hatred, hurt, anger... Read the following paragraph from Sadhguru's article and then go back and re-read the last three lines. "The physical has a boundary, that is not the issue – that is the basic trait of physicality. However, that has seeped into your psychology. Now your mind wants a boundary, your emotions want a boundary. Because you have invested in creating many boundaries, that which is boundless within you is out of your reach, out of your experience. This is all it is. Because you are investing time and energies and whatever intelligence you have into how to build a boundary of your own, that which is boundless slips out of your experience." "...that which is boundless slips out of your experience." Do you want to miss out on the "boundless"? Boundless is defined as infinite, vast, limitless. Doesn't that feel better? Take a deep breath. Allow your breath to feel vast and limitless. Cross your arms and feel the constriction. Now, open your arms wide and breathe, smile, sigh. Which feels better? Do you want your life to feel constricted and bound or ceaselessly open? What holds you back? “The greatest thing that you can do in life is to live to your peak and to set an example that there is a way to live beyond all limitations.” – Sadhguru
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March 2024