![]() The root form of Tara comes from tri meaning to cross; Tara helps people cross the "Ocean of Existence and Suffering. " She is depicted in 21 different colorful forms but she is most often recognized as White Tara and Green Tara. "There are innumerable manifestations of Tara, as many as beings require" (abuddhistlibrary.com) 'Some have a vision of you (Tara) as red as the sun with rays more brilliant and red than the lac and the vermilion. Others see you blue like the sapphire. Some again see you whiter than the milk churned out of the milky ocean. Still others see you golden. Your visva-rupa is like a crystal which changes its color with the change of the things around it.'" -- Arya-Tara-sragdhara-stotra Like most mythological stories, there are many tales regarding her existence. The first one portrays Tara as a princess who compassionately offers prayers to the monks and nuns. Because of this, the monks tell her they will pray she is reborn a man so she can offer Buddha's teachings. There is also the story that she was born of Avalokitesvara's tears. When he saw the suffering in the world his compassionate tears rolled down both sides of his face. One tear turned into White Tara and the other, Green Tara. Another version of this story is that Tara first appeared in a lotus in the lake created by Avalokitesvara's tears. She is again offered the idea of changing to a man's human form to which she replies: (Translation by David Templeman of the "Origin of the Tara Tantra" by Jo-Nan Taranatha (b. 1575)) TARA'S VOW Long ago in an age before which there was nothing else, the Victorious One, the Tathagata Dundubhisvara came into existence and was known as the Light of the Various Worlds. The Princess "Moon of Wisdom" had the highest respect for his teaching, and for ten million, one hundred thousand years, made offerings to this Enlightened One, to his attendant Sravakas, and to countless members of the Sangha of Bodhisattvas. The offerings she prepared each day were in value comparable to all the precious things which filled a distance of twelve yojanas in each of the ten directions, leaving no intermediate spaces unfilled. Finally after all this she awoke to the first concepts of Bodhi-Mind. At that time some monks said to her: "It is as a result of these, your roots of virtuous actions, that you have come into being in this female form. If you pray that your deeds accord with the teachings, then indeed on that account you will change your form to that of a man, as is befitting." After much discourse she finally replied, "In this life there is no such distinction as "male" and "female," neither of "self-identity," a "person" nor any perception, and therefore attachment to ideas of "male" and "female" is quite worthless. The weak-minded are always deluded by this." And so she vowed: "There are many who wish to gain enlightenment in a man's form, and there are but few who wish to work for the welfare of living beings in a female form. Therefore may I, in a female body, work for the welfare of beings right until Samsara has been emptied." White Tara promotes peace while Green Tara is protective of the earth. Green Tara, a protectress, sits with her right leg extended, a symbol she is always ready to jump into action for those who need her. She helps overcome obstacles. White Tara has 7 eyes, two on her face, a third eye, and one on each hand and foot so she can better see psychically all of the suffering in the world for she is a deity of compassion. Tara is also referred to as "Tara of the Turned Face". The story is as follows: "An elderly woman who was a sculptor worked in a city where there was a large Buddhist temple called the Mahabodhi (Great Wisdom). She sculpted a statue of the goddess Tara and built a shrine to house it. Upon completing the project she was filled with regret when she realized that she had not considered the placement of the shrine. "Oh no," she thought, "Tara has her back to the Mahabodhi and that isn't right!" Then she heard the sculpture speak to her, saying "If you are unhappy, I will look toward the Mahabodhi." As the woman watched in amazement, the door of the shrine and the image of the goddess Tara both turned to face the Temple." (story from Taranatha's "Golden Rosary") Tibetan Homage to the Innumerable Manifestations of Tara from the Peking Tangyur I bow to the Body of Tara who saves from the eight fears. I bow to the Body of Tara of infinite fame. I bow to the Body of Tara, the world's benefactor. I bow to the Body of Tara, sure curer of sorrow. I bow to the Body of Tara of a thousand hands and eyes. I bow to the Body of Tara infinite as space. I bow to the Body of Tara adorned with the Marks and the Signs. I bow to the Body of Tara whose limbs are like the moon. I bow to the Body of Tara who is as bright as the sun. I bow to the Body of Tara unchanging in the three times. I bow to the Body of Tara supporting like earth. I bow to the Body of Tara cohering like water. I bow to the Body of Tara ripening like fire. I bow to the Body of Tara expanding like air. I bow to the Body of Tara who is the Sovereign of Doctors. I bow to the Body of Tara subduing disease like medicine. I bow to the Body of Tara the river of compassion. I bow to the Body of Tara skilled in means like taming. I bow to the Body of Tara lovely yet free of desire I bow to the Body of Tara who teaches the Way of Freedom. Tara's mantra is Om tare tuttare ture svaha. Hail to Tara!
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