We are simply talking about breaking one habit for the benefit of all living creatures, and I know we can do it. Secondly, you can copy and paste from here or use your own words to tell Facebook and Twitter what you are doing. Spread the message as you would shanti or loving kindness. If you want to help this student or maybe know someone who knows someone lol, reach out to me so I can connect you. In the meantime, this gave me an idea of a section to add to this newsletter. I'm calling it, "What you want? Baby, I Got It" (with thanks to Aretha, of course!) Each month, anyone can reach out to me to add what they would like to post there. We all have expertise in something and together, we are a force! Your posts could be about project or in reference to charity work; advise or...whatever! I'll start it off this month! START SENDING these ideas!!! Include your first name and phone number or email so people can reach out to help:) April's Karma Yoga List: Hold the door open for the person behind you. Introduce yourself to someone new. Donate clothes to someone in need. Listen without trying to fix everything. Donate blood. Inspire others. Let someone with only a few items cut you in line at the grocery store. Donated Jewel Monopoly tickets to person in line behind. Left extra money in parking meter. Recycle. Replace what you’ve used. Work with a charity. Spend a few clicks of your time at Free Rice. Make a difference in the life of a child. Become a mentor or tutor to someone in need. Come to the rescue to someone sick. Be a courteous driver. Listen to someone’s pain and help them find a path through it. Hug a friend. Think twice before you throw something away. “Reduce, reuse, and recycle.” Compliment someone who deserves it. Cover someone's rent. Take someone to hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What you want? Baby, I Got It!" This section is for everyone to post things they collect for others or help with ideas/implementation. Karma Yoga section, if you will:) Let me know what you want to add. Box of Balloons- This is a non-profit that creates birthday party's for kids who cannot afford one or who may be living in shelters. They send out an email when a party request comes in and people can sign up for whatever they want to: buying the gift, making party bags, supplying decorations or games, etc. You can find them on FB or I will willingly take any party bag supplies to use... candy, snacks, small toys, books, etc! Sandra, [email protected] 4 Greyhound Racers- This is the rescue we got our greyhounds from and they are always in need of donations and fosters! The dogs are always housed with fosters first and, since tracks are closing, the need is greater than ever. Especially for homes without cats (though many dogs are cat friendly). They will be at the Morton Arboretum May 4 for Tails on Trails or I can answer any questions. Sandra, [email protected] 3:11 project: This is a non-profit that compassionately spreads goodness. They may do Easter basket collections or kids pajama drives. They collect gifts at Christmas for kids and many other things. If you follow them on FB, you will see what they are in need of and they have many drop-off points in the area. Sandra, [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga Class Schedule *Gentle/Restorative classes every Wednesday evening from 6-7:15pm. Healing Arts Metaphysical, 4 E Wilson Street, Batavia (parking lot in back) All Levels, Walk-ins, $15 *Gentle/Restorative classes every Sunday from 10-11:15am. Healing Arts Metaphysical, 4 E Wilson Street, Batavia (parking lot in back) All Levels, Walk-ins, $15 *No class on Mother's Day:) *Inspired Vinyasa (Level 1), most Tuesday's TIME CHANGE now 9-10:15am, 1 E Benton St,, Aurora, downstairs. Parking in back or on street. $12/class, walk-in, all levels. Email me first to see if we are having class that week. Reiki Sessions, Reiki Classes and Angel Card Readings are available as you need. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOGA FIELD TRIPS/WORKSHOP!!! Trivia Night was fun though we forgot to use our yoga rule of listening to our intuition! Boy, did we creatively talk ourselves out of some correct answers!!! *The Ahhh of Adjustments Workshop Friday, May 17. 7-8:30pm. $30/person. Hands on adjustments in each pose! Reiki and oils in svasana. I will be teaching this at Healing Arts Metaphysical in Batavia. 16 spaces. Pre-register through Healing Arts (630) 937-4094 *Kirtan, Sean Johnson & the Wild Lotus Band Tuesday, June 18, 7:30-10:30pm. The Garaj Mahal, 270 Ozier Dr, Batavia Please sign up individually. Pay following this link- Hurry space is limited! Let me know if you are going so we can try to meet up for food beforehand! https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=175b03e944c96&mfid=1556546555669_175b03e944c96#/checkout/openButton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED HEALING STONE: Emerald by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire Emerald, the beautiful green birthstone of May, is so appropriate for this month when Mother Nature really picks up her game. After the long months of winter and the long-awaited advent of nice weather, it is wonderful to look outside and see, as my friend Ric observes, “more green than brown!” Records indicate that emeralds were sold in markets in Babylon as early as 4000 B.C. In ancient Rome, emeralds were associated with the Goddess Venus and viewed as a symbol of fertility and unconditional love. Aristotle loved emeralds and wrote that owning an emerald increases ones importance and wealth. Ancient Egyptians believed it stood for fertility and rebirth. It was a favorite gem of Cleopatra who procured her emeralds from a mine in Upper Egypt. Arthurian legend describes the Holy Grail as being fashioned from an emerald. Emerald, the stone of the heart chakra, brings a freshness and vitality to the emotional and physical heart. It helps the wearer to view all events with compassion and acceptance. Emerald will increase the energy levels in your body and enhance the energy flow between the lower and upper chakras. It will also help you manifest a peaceful and loving existence. In addition, it is a stone of great vision and intuition. Associated with the eyes and sight, it was believed to help the wearer to foretell the future. As a stone of wisdom, it enhances memory and increases mental clarity. Emerald has also been used to stimulate wealth and abundance. The wealth aspect represents financial standing and material wealth. The abundance aspect helps one to trust that all will be provided and that there can be no lack. Therefore, it is powerful for shifting from a scarcity consciousness to a prosperity consciousness. It is a healing stone both on the physical and emotional levels. It can assist the physical heart in recovering from imbalances or diseases. On an emotional level, it assists in developing a caring, compassionate nature and overcoming fears of scarcity or abandonment. So, it appears that spring has finally sprung! If you cannot add emerald to your collection, at least get outside and enjoy the vibrant green of May! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED QUOTE: “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.” --Sarah Ban Breathnach
1 Comment
Helping others is not that easy at times. It consist a lot of effort and thinking whether he or she is worth the help. That has always been in my mind since day 1. I really dislike the idea of helping because it would consume my time, until someone helped me realize the importance of helping. Helping one person or more a day, makes me feel happier. The contentment, happiness and humanity was being restored from me and I really love the idea of helping.
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March 2024