taking care of business...
I like to produce content and let the rest fall where it may as I am not great as using social media. Having said that, let's talk Twitter for a moment because that is the hardest one for me to wrap my head around. I recently tweeted that when my YouTube channel gets to 100 subscribers, I will randomly draw from all 100 to send out 3 signed books of The Horizon is Here. If you already have my book, save it for a holiday gift! Please spread the word and encourage people to subscribe...if you have not yet done so, it only takes a moment:) The link is below. As far as reviews on Amazon, if you purchased your book from me, there is a good chance Amazon will not post your review as it does not consider you a verified purchase. If you did purchase on Amazon, PLEASE go on and post a review. That link is also below. I would truly appreciate it. I am excited to announce I will be making a return visit on the Albrecht Author's podcast. We will be talking about Reiki and past lives so make sure you check it out once it is up. I will post on my websites and on Facebook. If you have missed any of my yoga classes, they are all up on YouTube and I think we have covered some interesting topics this past month. Be sure to check out the Gentle Restorative class about oracle cards and see which one was meant for you! If there are any themes you would like to suggest I cover, send me an email! THANK YOU IMMENSELY xoxoxox Amazon link to leave review: https://www.amazon.com/Horizon-Here-Finding-Lessons-Everyday/dp/B088BHTTYR/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+horizon+is+here&qid=1590969011&sr=8-1 YouTube link to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Two Cents Ever since mid-March, I have been trying hard to not refer to our environmental issue at hand by name; I do not want to contribute to putting its energy out into the Universe or into the space directly around me. I tried to come up with a different name to refer to it to but, alas, I have fallen short. So, in reference to "It", I wanted to share something with you that I hope may be helpful, and/or interesting. Virginia Satir is recognized as the first family therapist and it is she who came up with an idea called the Satir Change Model. This model references the four stages we all go through when change enters our world, which I believe I can succinctly say has for everyone. Initially, we hang out in 'Status Quo'. This is where we were before "It" came along. Status Quo is what we consider our normal, comfortable, everyday place. It still presents challenges but, for the most part, we move along rather consistently. Then, a change comes. Satir refers to this change as a "foreign element". We enter "Chaos" mode because the new element disrupts our our normalcy. We may panic, we may grieve, we may worry. A reaction ensues, different for all of us, and we struggle to quickly find answers that may bring us back to Status Quo. But, there is no going back; the ripples are already there. The third stage we enter is called "Practice and Integration". We realize we are now in a new "new". We try out ways to be comfortable here and we understand we need to practice being here, with our new skills and beliefs, so that we can integrate our new methods into our world. We stumble forward and back, forward and back but eventually we figure it out. Once this occurs, we enter the fourth stage, which is "New Status Quo". We understand what we once considered to be normal is gone and we are comfortable with this new space. As with every change in life, the newness eventually fades away... None of us are in the first stage of "It". Are you still in the second or have you begun to move into the third? The point is there will eventually be a new norm, a new comfortable status quo. We will get to the other side and be comfortable in our space, once again. Those are my two cents on "It". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday August 10 at 6pm. Please email me for the link and password. You can also find my meetings on www.deathcafe.com as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga Class Schedule ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom until further notice. The Tuesday class will move to Wednesday mornings effective immediately until we are back in-person. All are welcome to attend any class for free. Please reach out to me for the link and password. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *WEDNESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) & 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative The classes are currently free and all are welcome to join. If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED HEALING STONE: Kammererite by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire This month’s stone came out of our Thursday night yoga games and cocktails! One of the rounds of Scattegories called for participants to name a series of twelve items all beginning with the letter “K.” Wouldn’t you know one of the categories was “gems/crystals!” Kyanite was the easy one chosen by several of us. Al, however, chose Kammererite! None of us, including Sandra, had ever heard of it! Go figure!!!! So, I thought it would be a good choice for crystal of the month. This is a very rare stone first found in Scandinavia in 1841 and named after a Russian chemist who worked in the Mining Department of Russia, August Alexander Kammerer. Today they can be found in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Turkey. Although it is a rare stone, it can be found using some specialist crystal providers. Considered to be a stone of spiritual growth, Kammererite is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. Their vibration helps to balance the brain and thereby be beneficial to your thinking. They also help to create a more harmonious life. It is said to relieve pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Because it is part of the chlorite group, although not containing the green color usually associated with chlorites, it helps to release anger, guilt fear and negative emotions. If used during meditation, it can help alleviate “monkey mind” that often plagues one during meditation. These stones are highly protective and may be used in a grid to protect your home. There are many ways to do this that you can find on the Internet. The simplest one I found was to smudge your home and place protective crystals in each corner of your home. You can even bury them in the corners of your property. Thanks to Al, our new Crystal Guru, we have learned about a crystal of which none of us were familiar!
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March 2024