![]() *Still a BRILLIANT VALENTINE'S IDEA!! (For less than $10!) The Horizon is Here: Finding Life's Lessons in Everyday Living --Get it on Amazon (paperback or Kindle) This book is for anyone questioning life, seeking lessons, trying to understand current struggles. looking for answers...it's for ALL OF US!!! You can order directly from Amazon or the link on www.inspiredbyearth.com OR you can purchase directly from me for a signed copy:) ----------------------------------------------------------------- love a little differently Love yourself enough this month that you try doing something you have an interest in and have always wanted to do. There, I said it; that's the theme of this article and you can stop right there if you want to figure out what that is for you. Someone (xoxoxo) recently told me they were taking yoga teacher training at age 70 because they were going to be 70 regardless. I LOVED that statement! If you have been falling upon your age as an excuse in any capacity, this is your reminder to stop. You are not too old for a new hobby, a new career path, a new whatever. We are all pretty good at tossing out excuses like breadcrumbs to the birds. They scatter, landing every which way, and we hope one sticks, because if they didn't, we may have to sit down and consider what truly holds us back. I recently discovered a Facebook group about re-painting furniture. It piqued my interest, and I have now painted my bed frame and two nightstands. A small table that I bought from a new charity FB page I found is next in line. So, my monthly assignment for you is to find one new thing to love. Obviously, my "love" theme aligns with February's Valentine's Day. But, don't make that your focus. It is too easy to go out, and buy a heart shaped box of chocolates. Do something for you....and then (LOL) gift yourself the chocolate as a reward! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday February 8th at 6pm CST. Please email me for the link and password. You can also find my meetings on www.deathcafe.com as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. We have some really great conversations! There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. Space is limited to 20. --------------------------------------------- ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom until further notice. All are welcome to attend any class for free. Please reach out to me for the link and password. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *WEDNESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) & 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED HEALING STONE: Rainbow Flourite by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire As I am writing this article, I see the beautiful snowflakes which are piling up considerably, and I thought of how rainbows often appear after a storm. Rainbow Fluorite came to mind! It is a beautiful stone especially for this time of year when we are deep in the middle of winter. Fluorite comes in a wide range of colors, from purple to yellow and even rainbow! It is known “psychic vacuum cleaner” which can clear confusion, cluttered thoughts and negativity. Because of this, it is a mineral that can be used to cleanse all the chakras. The name fluorite comes from the Latin word flux which means flowing and mixing of minerals to make better ones. The Fluorite crystal properties come from its distinctive fluorescent light that features different colors when exposed to UV rays. It can even glow in the dark after this exposure. Because of its rainbow coloring, it was thought at one time to house rainbows. In China, Fluorite has been used to sculpt ornate vessels for over three centuries. Ancient Egyptians used Fluorite to carve scarabs and statues of deities. Ancient Romans used Fluorite for decoration. Rainbow Fluorite has many uses. For healing, it draws off negative energy and stress of all kinds. It cleanses and purifies anything in the body that is not working properly. It helps to calm the mind so one can take things one at a time. Psychologically, it dissolves fixed patterns of behavior, increasing self-confidence and dexterity. It is an excellent learning aid as it processes and organizes information. It helps the user to integrate new information into what is already learned. It also promotes quick thinking. Interestingly enough, it has been used for centuries as a wish stone. It aligns the heart and head and clears energetic blockages thus enabling one to wish for the heart’s deepest desires. It can then be used in meditation to manifest those desires. Finally, Rainbow Fluorite is said to be effective protection against computer and electromagnetic stress. This could be very useful these days as so many are working and schooling on screens at home. This stone can be placed between you and your computer or worn as jewelry around the neck or as earrings. It can be held as one does breath work to counter feelings of being overwhelmed by the workload. It is certainly worth a try. ---------------------------------------------------- "Sometimes, people use age as a convenient excuse. 'I'm to old too start something new', or, 'I couldn't learn that at my age.' Other people, though, go on to achieve their greatest accomplishments in life in later years." Catherine Pulsifer
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March 2024