![]() *BRILLIANT VALENTINE'S IDEA!! (For less than $10!) The Horizon is Here: Finding Life's Lessons in Everyday Living --Get it on Amazon (paperback or Kindle) This book is for anyone questioning life, seeking lessons, trying to understand current struggles. looking for answers...it's for ALL OF US!!! You can order directly from Amazon or the link on www.inspiredbyearth.com OR you can purchase directly from me for a signed copy:) ======================================================================= reflection on thought... Suffice it to say, nothing this year has gone the way we planned, dreamed, or hoped for. Well, the word nothing may be a little extreme- I’m sure something went exactly that way but has been overshadowed by the pandemic and its snowballing effects. I heard myself say to myself, this is not what I had planned; this is not what I thought my life was going to be like. This wasn’t the vision in my head of what comes next. But then a new thought popped in almost immediately to debate that…what if this is exactly what is supposed to be? If that is true, why lament? I need to move forward and carry on. Stop reading for a moment to consider all of the situations you thought would be different and feel acceptance. Honor your belief system and sit with “this IS how it is supposed to be”. Just because I want something one way does not mean I get to have it that way. I felt like a toddler caught in the midst of a me-me-me tantrum. I am working on not saying this may be how everything is supposed to go down and changing that to this IS. We cannot lament what we wanted to occur, especially if it is beyond our control, as most things are. It is a continual practice of accepting what is occurring. “We must know what ‘actually’ makes us happy rather than what ‘should’ make us happy. The only way to know the truth is to experiment with what is supposed to bring us happiness and then see the results on ourselves.” ― Awdhesh Singh, Myths are Real, Reality is a Myth Funny thing-- we say “supposed to” as if it were true or fact. The word “supposed” means generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so. Its antonyms are actual, known, real, true, factual, absolute, undisputed. Have faith in the present- in your present. Faith is a present tense word. Have faith in present and notice the shift in your energy when you choose to accept the present. It is SO much easier to move forward and do what needs to be done because you aren’t dragging the past and the supposed-to-be’s with you:) ===================================================================== I am holding my next virtual Death Cafe meeting on Monday January 11 at 6pm CST. Please email me for the link and password. You can also find my meetings on www.deathcafe.com as Death Cafe Western Suburbs Chicago. If you have never been to one, please consider joining me in a safe space to organically talk about death. We have some really great conversations! There is no meeting agenda and the intention is to make this a more comfortable and normal conversation. Space is limited to 20. ======================================================================= Yoga Class Schedule ALL classes will remain ONLINE on Zoom until further notice. All are welcome to attend any class for free. Please reach out to me for the link and password. *SUNDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Gentle/Restorative *WEDNESDAY'S: 10-11:15am, Inspired Vinyasa (All Levels) & 6-7:15pm, Gentle/Restorative If you miss a class, I am posting them to my YouTube page, which can be found by searching my name or by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9b8ULuY6A2uAuoxC2iaO2Q ======================================================================= FEATURED HEALING STONE: Crystals for Hope by Maryann Sanfilipp, Crystal Writer Extraordinaire As we ring in the new year, I believe we are all embracing hope for 2021. Although I have written about some of these crystals in the past, it behooves us to reexamine them as they relate to hope. In addition, using many of them together will only intensify their effect. Topaz is a third eye stone that is ideal for those who have dealt with trauma and loss. Who cannot relate to this after the year we have endured! It helps to show the road you are headed to and instills enlightenment to the wearer. It is an enhancement stone that is highly effective for affirmations and visualization. Amazonite is known as the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth. It is said to soothe the spirit and calm the soul. The energy within is as powerful as the river for which it is named. It is truly a crystal to boost hopefulness. Sunstone is excellent for clearing all the chakras which can become blocked during times of crisis. It is useful for easing depression and building faith. Turquoise helps cleanse and transform negative energy. It serves as a protection from negative energy and harm. It is known to enhance trust, kindness and wisdom. It is also said to heal both the physical and emotional body. Citrine brings positive energy to the user. It is said to harness the energy of the sun and to bring sunshine into all aspects of ones life. It attracts wealth, prosperity and success. Chrysocolla is a peaceful stone that soothes and calms in times of stress. Unlike other stones, it is not a high-energy stone. Its role is to soothe, calm and inspire. It is associated with tranquility, peace, patience and intuition. I have heard it said that the only thing stronger than fear is hope. It is my hope that you will use these stones to help boost your hopefulness as we come into this new year. Happy New Year to each of you. I hope you will enjoy health, happiness and peace throughout 2021.
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