![]() First of all, let's get it straight that other people's anger has nothing to do with you. I am always taken back to Sonia Choquette's quote that if you are worrying about what other people think of you then stop and mind your own business. Because, guess what? Probably 9.9 times out of ten they aren't thinking about you. They are thinking about the same thing you are, which is themselves. Yet, we continue to waste our time and energy on what others might possibly be thinking. Even psychics don't waste their time on energy on what other people are thinking; they use their energy efficiently and make money to tune into your vibration and tell you what you are thinking, which, ironically, you already knew!!! It's usually the same with anger. If someone were to hit my car on a day where I was in a calm frame of mind, my truthful response would be don't worry, it's just a thing. But let's say I was already having an awful day and my frustration was high. I don't believe my reaction would be the same. I may be mad; I may even yell. But that anger, directed to the other driver, wouldn't really have anything to do with them. It was about my day before they ever "bumped" into me. Tosha Silver writes about sitting in a coffee house with her sunglasses still on when a man walks in and spots her and starts screaming at her about her lawyer trying to drag more money out of him. She slides her sunglasses off and the man realizes she isn't actually his ex-wife; she just looks very similar. He apologizes and slinks off and she is left feeling totally amused because the anger didn't have anything to do with her. The title of the chapter she writes this in is called Hate Therapy. The premise being that maybe it is the angry people who needs our blessings the most. This is why we chant 'shanti' in my yoga classes; to send our energy of peace to all the haters in the world. What about emotions you direct towards yourself? Anger, regret, disappointment... If you are hanging onto an emotion like these you are ignoring your other options. Either do something about it or let it go and he content in your now. The anger you might feel towards someone from ten years ago is your anger. You carried it with you over time and space. What if I were to suggest that the anger doesn't actually exist in your present? What I mean is it wouldn't be there if you didn't allow it to be. Learning to "mind our own business" and not care what others think of us and learning to not accept people's anger as un unexpected gift is all directly tied to your choice to let go. Aparigraha. Let go of those attachments. SOMETHING HAPPENS by Tosha Silver Something happens after you align with the Divine for a while. You begin to feel on a cellular level that things are unfolding exactly in the way that they should. At the rate and timing they need. You start to trust the process. You relax from the endless pushing that most of us learned at birth. On some fundamental, mysterious level, you just let go. Not with that bitterness people feel when they fear the (ego’s) dreams won’t occur. Not with passivity as right actions DO get shown. Rather you relax into this calm curiosity about where the flow might go. You’re detached yet somehow riveted by how the story will unfold. You feel spaciously receptive and open to what wishes to come. You give it all room to blossom. You trust the Highest, one way or another, eventually will unfold. You know that with God as your Source you needn’t cling to any one plan And you’re not clutching a list of desires, pushing the ego’s agenda even more. When you’re in cycles of quiet and waiting, you catch your breath, knowing the wheel again will turn. You rest because as the right actions get revealed a LOT will arise to be done. You wait for the signs and the timing rather than rip open the cocoon. You trust that delays might be welcome. You trust that delays can be good. You trust that delays are all perfect. And you stay present just to witness your own birth --Tosha Silver
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March 2024