I heard world-renowned psychic and vibrational alchemist, Sonia Choquette, speak last night. It was my third time going to hear her; she is so amazing!
Sonia classifies people as either 5 sensory or 6 sensory. A five sensory person seeks answers outside of their Self while a 6th sensory turns inward to their heart for guidance. She is adamant that we all must get to that place where we are being are true selves, yet most of us have trouble going there. But when someone is in tune with their spirit, their words resonate as truth and their eyes light up; you can feel their passion. We played a game by pairing up with someone and rattling off as many descriptions of ourselves as possible. I am caring, I am a teacher, I am ... Sonia explained when someone can't look you in the eye while saying these things and their body language becomes uncomfortable, it is a clear indicator that their words do not resonate with their Spirit. They might very well be caring but they aren't committed to that statement fully and, therefore, back off when saying it. Own who you are. Someone said I am a nurse and Sonia said, no, you nurse but you are not a nurse...you are Spirit; nursing is just one avenue for your Spirit to reach out. In order to be in touch with your Spirit, Sonia explained you cannot unless you are fully present. But then the next word that you have to be, scary in itself, is vulnerable. Let me ask you, can you be vulnerable? Feel the effects of that word for a minute. What happens to your mind set when you say it? What fight and flight signals go off in your physical body when you think about being vulnerable? Does that make you want to give up right there and go back to being, what, not really you? So, Sonia offered up a different word with the same meaning that changes everything...available. Can you be available? Isn't that easier to say yes to? Can you be available to receiving what the Universe wants to offer you? What do you want the Universe to offer you? Are you open to that? One of the best messages (to me) that she relayed has already made an impact on my Spirit. She was talking about one of her teachers who had asked her, long before she was an author, when she was going to write a book. Sonia said I don't think I can do that. Her teacher simply said, sure you can...you just have to be open to writing a bad book. I think that is what I needed to hear to sit down and finish the two I have started and put off...and started and put off. I can be open to writing a bad book!!!!! You can do anything your Spirit wants to. If you want to sing but can't hold a note, be open to being a bad singer and sing out from the heart! If you want to dance but can't find the beat, turn off the Ipod and hear the music in your head! “ Self-love starts with knowing that we are Spirit. We have bodies. We have personalities. We have histories, stories, and experiences. But we are not those things- we are Spirit. Our bodies, egos, intellects, and personalities are tools that our Spirit uses to express itself in our physical embodiment. They’re useful. They color and influence our experience. They affect our outlook, behavior, responses, and choices. They make life interesting-but they’re nevertheless only implements for our Spirit to use. They aren’t who we are." Sonia Choquette- The Answer Is Simple
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March 2024