What was one of the first things you said to someone this morning? What was one of the final things you said last night? What feelings do you suppose your words left behind? Good, happy, loved, sad, angry, depleted...? My son has a teacher this year that tells the class how much he doesn't like them, how they won't succeed, how they are his worst class ever....I have to wonder what he was told. There's a story in the book Life is a Verb about the author's daughter. She was in first grade and she came home excitedly to tell her parents she had taken her first test. Without thinking, their first question was How did you do? (Aren't we all in that habit?) And her daughter cheerfully responded I got 30%! The mom stopped herself from saying how terrible she must have felt and instead rephrased by saying How did that make you feel? Her daughter, still excited, said I got 30% right!! Think about the words. If the mom had asked her original question, her daughter would have suddenly questioned her results. As she thought about it, she would be thinking Terrible? Should I feel terrible? I was bad? Her little head would probably have dropped as her smile faded, her shoulders drooping from their once excitedly high state. The author tells of another instance in 4th grade where her daughter took one of those awful word problem math tests; the kind where if so-and-so is driving at 40 mph for 20 minutes....you know the ones. Her daughter got 1 out of 6 correct. The teacher wrote You got 1 right! Great effort!!! Why shouldn't we encourage others for what they do right? Why shouldn't we encourage ourselves for what we do well? "There is no failure, only feedback," Robert Allen. What words are you feeding back to yourself? Make them happy. Allow your words to your precious self to be of praise and awe. Celebrate your accomplishments. Light birthday candles every day and make your wishes be heard. People like my son's teacher do offer a life lesson. As one would not know light without knowing dark, would not recognize love without experiencing hate, how would my son appreciate the good teachers without having some bad? My son will always remember the no so nice things this teacher has said to the class but I, have hopefully, countered those statements with enough of the opposite that it really won't matter. But what about the other kids? Try to raise people up with your words. Raise yourself up with your words. Take control of your future by creating it with positive words and affirmations. Here's a list from positivelypresent.typepad.com to get you started. Maybe choose one each day and choose to own it! ADAPTABLE ADORED ADVENTUROUS A L LURING ALTRU I S T I C AMBITIOUS AT H L E T I C AUTHENT I C AWESOME BEAUTIFUL B I G -HEARTED BLESSED BRAVE BRIGHT B R I L L I A N T CAPABLE CA P T I VATING CHARMING CHIC CLEVER COMMENDABLE COMPETENT CONF I D E N T COURAGEOUS COURTEOUS CREAT I V E CULTURED DAPPER DARING DARLING DASHING DA Z Z L I NG D E C I S I V E DELIGHTFUL DEPENDABLE DESERVING DESIRABLE D I S T I NGUISHED DREAMY DYNAMIC E F F E RVESCENT E L ATED E L E C T R I C ELOQUENT EMPOWERED ENCHANTING ENERGIZED ENTERPRISING EVOLV I NG EXQUISITE E Y E -CATCHING FABULOUS FASCI NAT I NG FEARLESS F E TCHING F L AWLESS FOXY GENUINE GLEEFUL GLORIOUS GLOWING GORGEOUS GRACIOUS HANDSOME HAPPY HEALTHY HOPEFUL HOT HUGGABLE I L LUMINATED IMPRESSIVE I NSIGHTFUL I NSPIRED I NS P I R I NG I NTERESTING I NTRIGUING I N T U I T I V E I R R E S I S T I B L E JOV I A L JUBILANT KISSABLE KNOWLEDGEABLE L E V E L -HEADED L I B E RATED L I G H T -HEARTED L I K E A B L E L I T H E LOVED LOV E LY LOV I NG LUCKY LUMINOUS MAGICAL MARVELOUS MASTERFUL MERRY MINDFUL MOT I VATED OPTIMISTIC OVERJOYED PASSIONAT E PEACEFUL PHENOMENAL PLAYFUL POISED POWERFUL PRESENT PRODUCT I V E RADIANT REGAL RELAXED RESOURCEFUL RESPLENDENT RESTED R E V I TA L I Z E D SAT I S F I E D S E L F -ASSURED SERENE S I L LY S K I L L F U L SOPHISTICATED SPARKLING S P I R I T E D SPLEND I F E ROUS SPRIGHTLY STELLAR STRIKING STRONG STUDIOUS STYLISH SUCCESSFUL SVELT E SWEET TALENTED THOUGHTFUL TRANQUIL TREMENDOUS TRIUMPHANT UNCOMMON UNIQUE UNSHAKEABLE UNSTOPPABLE UPBEAT U P L I F T E D VALUABLE VIBRANT VISIONARY V I VACIOUS W E L L -ROUNDED WHIMSICAL WINSOME WISE WITTY WONDERFUL WORTHY ZESTFUL
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