A waiver is a document that you willingly sign that relinquishes someone else's responsibility for what you are about to do. You decide it would be fun to jump off a bridge with a bungee jump and you sign you are responsible for the consequences, whether they are exhilarating or somewhat painful! You want to go horseback riding, rafting, skiing...you sign a waiver. Before you take an aerobics class, yoga class, sports lessons...you sign a waiver.
Melody Beattie writes this: "I think waivers are a good reminder that ultimately no one is responsible for my life but me. There is no one to blame, no one to sue, no one to ask for a refund. I make my own decisions and I live with the result of those choices each day. So do you. It's your life. Sign a waiver saying that you take responsibility for it. Set yourself and others free." Even better, Melody Beattie even wrote out you Life Waiver; all you need to do is sign it! It is copied below and if you CHOOSE to sign it and take on a new unwhining, uncomplaining responsibility for your choices in your life, then either comment to this page with your name or nickname indicating your "Signature" or go to my Inspired by Earth Yoga and Reiki Facebook page and comment there! "Waiver (written by Melody Beattie, livinglifefully.com) "I understand that during the course of my life I will be required to make many decisions, such as where I want to live, whom I want to live with, where I work, how much fun I have, and how I spend my money and time, including how much time I spend waiting for things to get better and people to change, and whom I choose to love. "I understand that many events that occur will be out of my hands and that there are inherent dangers and risks in all decisions I make. Life and people have no obligation whatsoever to live up to my expectations; I have no obligation to live up to the expectations of anybody else. Life is a high-risk sport, and I may become injured along the way. "I agree that all the decisions I make are mine and mine alone, including how I choose to handle the events that are beyond my control. I hereby forfeit my right to recourse as a victim, including my rights to blame, complain, and whine or hold someone else responsible for the path I choose to take. I am responsible for my participation--or lack of it--in life. And I take complete responsibility for the outcomes and consequences of all decisions I make, understanding that ultimately it is my choice whether I become happy, joyous, and free or stay miserable and trapped. "Although people may voluntarily nurture and love me, I and I alone am responsible for taking care of and loving myself. Signed: _________________________" Holy Lisle wrote, "If you don't accept responsibility for your own actions, then you are forever chained to a position of defense." Do you really want to live from a justifying position of defense? A defensive position does not move you forward in life. It is simply you struggling to hold stuff back.
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March 2024